健康唔係講,係做㗎 | Allklear 全清

【Health is not about talking about it, it’s about doing it㗎💁🏻‍♀️】

I looked at the title and was thinking, editor, do you want to gag again?😂 No, the new year is coming soon, what are your wishes🥳? I know you guys must be talking about good health and world peace🙈 But have you ever thought about your health first? How well do you know yourself?

Nowadays, with the advanced medical technology👩🏻‍⚕️, many diseases can be prevented. Just like Angelina Jolie, she knew that her family was at risk of breast cancer. After taking a genetic test, she found that she had BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene defects. In order to prevent the disease, he had his breasts, ovaries and fallopian tubes removed to prolong his life🌱.

In addition to identifying you as a tree person, genetic testing can also accurately predict diseases so that you have enough time to prevent and treat them. Of course, if you know what your body needs, you should put some effort into that! If your intestines need more attention, you should look for products that focus on intestinal health (quietly: new salad 🤪) to remove the toxins accumulated in the intestines over time and enhance intestinal health. If you don’t wash it then you will be afraid. Are you healthy?

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