【最強宿便等如兩個_ _!點先可以清得走?🚽(內附清宿便方法)】

【The strongest stool is equal to two _ _! Can I clear it first and leave? 🚽(Includes how to clean your toilet)】

Recently, all the ig stories are "It's the same with or without BB"😂
Speaking of BB👶🏻 Even if you don’t have a BB, if your belly is very protruding, it seems real even when you look down. BB bang! If you want to look good in a swimsuit or tank top in the summer, you have to clean your toilet. If you want to know something to lose weight🤰🏻, pull it down immediately and take a look!
Come follow @allklearhk instagram, leave a comment and Like👍🏻 to support us! Wait until the editor is strong enough to continue sharing health and skin care information with you🌱